Hello World!

A very warm welcome to my WordPress blog. The primary purpose of the blog is to create a collection of my ever-growing and hopefully improving, astronomy photographs. It shall act as a observational log book, where I plan to record all details pertinent to my images and to also record my failures. I hope to be able to look back on this in the future and see that I have made progress and to also possibly act as a little bit of inspiration to those who wish to start astrophotography as a hobby. It is quite often expected that astrophotography is easy, and it can be, but there are many obstacles to overcome. It can be incredibly frustrating, perseverance is key, but the rewards are worth it. Please do pop back every now and again. I plan to keep this site updated regularly and I will also build up a hints and tips section in the format of links to the information that I have found most useful.

If you would like to meet like-minded friends, may I suggest the Facebook group Astronomy for Fun. It is as it suggests, a fun place to discuss and share your passion for astronomy. There are many members with an entire range of abilities and specialities. For those in or around the Midlands, the society also has occasional meet ups where all are welcome to attend.

I think I must make it clear, that is not me in the header image, although her name is also Tracy. I chose that image as it is so surreal, a brief capture of all that we are, what we have achieved, where we have come from and what lies ahead in the future, all reflected in one image. What I would give to be able to sit where she is  just for 90 minutes.

Thank you for visiting.

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